smiling woman sitting in a dental chair

Preventive Dentistry in Grand Prairie, TX

At Estrella Dental, Dr. Ryu and our team encourage patients to schedule regular teeth cleaning and dental check-up appointments to maintain their oral health. In addition to teeth cleanings, we offer a number of preventive dentistry treatments like fluoride treatments and dental sealants to boost your oral health and ward off the need for restorative treatments. Contact us for preventive dentistry treatments in Grand Prairie, TX. We want to help you keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime!

father and son brushing their teeth together

What is preventive dentistry?

The main focus of preventive dentistry is focused on maintaining oral health and preventing dental problems. Preventive dentistry comes in many forms, including brushing and flossing at home. Practices like regular check-ups, a balanced diet, and scheduling preventive dentistry treatments like fluoride treatments, dental sealants, and headache prevention are all effective forms of promoting good oral health, reducing the need for more extensive treatments later on.

smiling young man

Are dental sealants beneficial for preventing cavities?

Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars, where cavities commonly develop. They are a cost-effective and painless way to reduce the risk of tooth decay, especially for those who may struggle with thorough oral hygiene. Other preventive dentistry treatments that may be beneficial for preventing cavities are teeth cleanings, dental check-ups, and fluoride treatments.

woman receiving a dental exam

What preventive dentistry services does Estrella Dental offer?

Preventive dentistry is an essential part of preserving a healthy smile. At Estrella Dental, our Grand Prairie dentist, Dr. Ryu, and our dental team provide Grand Prairie patients of all ages with preventive services like fluoride treatments, dental sealants, deep cleanings, and more. Our preventive dentistry services allow us to check your teeth, gums, and tongue for developing issues before they worsen. To learn more about which of our preventive services can benefit you, please schedule an appointment!