smiling young girl sitting in a dental chair

Orthodontic Treatment in Grand Prairie, TX

Orthodontics can give you straight teeth and a proper bite to help you chew better, smile more, and improve your oral health. At Estrella Dental, we offer orthodontic treatments that are available for the Grand Prairie community, including clear aligner therapy and traditional bracket and wire braces! No matter the type of braces you choose, we are committed to working with you to reach a solution that is exactly what you’re looking for. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for orthodontics in Grand Prairie, TX!

closeup of a person holding up a clear aligner

Clear Aligner Therapy

Clear aligners provide a discreet, removable alternative to traditional braces for correcting teeth misalignment. Using a series of custom-fitted transparent trays, these aligners gradually shift teeth into their desired positions. This aesthetically pleasing option allows for easy maintenance and flexibility with a minimal impact on daily life.

two smiling sisters wearing braces

Traditional Brackets and Wire Braces

As the most common type of braces worn, today’s metal braces are smaller, more comfortable, and attractive. Comprising metal brackets attached to teeth and interconnected by wires, this method gradually guides teeth into proper alignment. While visible, these braces are highly effective, allowing for precise adjustments to achieve a straight, healthy smile.

man inserting a clear aligner onto his teeth

How long does orthodontic treatment take?

Generally, orthodontic treatment can last between 6 months to three years. Factors like the complexity of the case, the chosen treatment method, and patient compliance influence the timeframe. Regular check-ups with the orthodontist help monitor progress and make necessary adjustments, ensuring the best outcome for a beautifully aligned smile.

smiling young man wearing braces

What is the best age for orthodontic treatment?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children have an orthodontic evaluation at 7 years old. Though an initial evaluation at 7 is crucial, orthodontic treatment likely will not start at this time. However, orthodontic treatment can be beneficial at any age! Our orthodontic treatments, especially our clear aligner therapy option, is an effective solution for busy adults. If you’re thinking about starting orthodontic treatment, contact our office today!